The Benefits of Magnesium

The Benefits of Magnesium

Leg cramps? Magnesium. Headache? Magnesium. Poor sleep? Magnesium. We live in either one of two camps. The ‘tell people the solution to their problems is magnesium’ camp, or the ‘get told the solutions to our problems is magnesium’ camp.

Could magnesium be the solution to all of our problems? Not quite, but it's vital for over 300 biochemical reactions that keep us functioning optimally, so that isn’t too far off.

Magnesium is a metal – think back to high-school chemistry, burning the thin strip of metal that was so bright you couldn’t look at it. That metal is an essential electrolyte that is the fourth most prevalent mineral in our body. Some of magnesium's more prominent jobs include aiding energy creation, bone health, protein formation, gene maintenance, muscle movements, and nervous system regulation.


How Magnesium Works in the Body

Magnesium is an electrolyte, so when it comes into contact with water, it becomes a positively charged ion. Magnesium ions are then absorbed through the intestines and move into the bloodstream. The magnesium is then distributed via the bloodstream to different tissues and cells throughout your body.

There are many different types of magnesium. As these elements are ionically bonded, they are then considered to be salts. Their names indicate the element they are bonded to. Here are some of the primary supplement magnesium salts you will find.

Magnesium carbonate - Carbon

Magnesiumn citrateCitric acid

Magnesium glycinate - Glycine

Magnesium taurate - Taurine

Magnesium sulfate - Sulfur

Magnesium chloride - Chlorine

Magnesium is key to the body’s operational framework, acting at the cellular level to maintain physiological and biochemical balance. As explored in the Electrolytes blog, magnesium is crucial for balance in cell hydration, but it goes much further than that.

Inside our cells, magnesium serves as a co factor for enzymes, playing a critical role in the energy production process by converting ATP, the primary energy molecule, into a form that can be used by our cells.

Additionally, magnesium influences the movement of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process crucial for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm. The mineral's ability to act as a natural calcium channel blocker highlights its role in heart health and shows just how integral magnesium is to maintaining balance within the body's systems.


3 Benefits of Magnesium


Energy Production

Magnesium’s role in energy production is pivotal. It binds to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and allows it to activate. ATP is the currency of cellular energy, enabling bodily functions requiring energy to operate smoothly. Research indicates that adequate magnesium levels can enhance exercise performance by improving glucose availability in the brain, muscles, and blood.

Another study highlighted magnesium's importance in reducing fatigue and enhancing energy levels, showing significant improvements in individuals with magnesium deficiency.


Muscle Function and Relaxation

Assisting with muscle contractions is possibly magnesium’s most well-known function. But do you know exactly how it helps the body contract muscles?

Muscles contract when messages are sent to neurons in the muscles, causing calcium to release the neurotransmitter called acetylcholine from the neuron into the muscle.

When the acetylcholine receptors on the muscle receive acetylchole, it creates a reaction, moving sodium to small storage pits in the muscle called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The charge in sodium changes, depolarizing which causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium into the muscle, causing a reaction that results in contraction.

a diagram showing how magnesium and calcium work to retract and contract muscles

Magnesium then acts as a natural calcium antagonist to help muscles relax after contraction by recalling the calcium. The magnesium helps by moving the calcium from the muscle back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum for future use. Magnesium also helps control the release of calcium in the initial firing of the neuron. This is why optimum magnesium levels may be vital for stopping cramping.


Bone Health

Magnesium is a key mineral in bone health. It supports bone mineral density and can reduce the occurrence of fractures, which makes it especially important for the more adventurous, sporty, or elderly people out there. 

Magnesium also works in conjunction with calcium and vitamin D to support bone health, and all of the vitamin D metabolizing enzymes require magnesium to function. 

There is strong evidence to support the importance of magnesium in bone formation and maintenance, highlighting its potential to enhance the effectiveness of osteoporosis treatments which goes hand-in-hand with fracture prevention.


What Foods Contain Magnesium?

If you are eating a whole-foods diet, chances are you will be having a few foods rich in magnesium (Dark chocolate is reported to be very easy to include in a diet). The top 5 foods highest in magnesium include:

  1. Dark Leafy Greens: Spinach and Swiss chard are excellent sources.
  2. Nuts and Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, almonds, and cashews are particularly high in magnesium.
  3. Legumes: Black beans, chickpeas, and lentils not only provide magnesium but also fiber and protein.
  4. Whole Grains: Quinoa, barley, and brown rice
  5. Avocados: These are not only rich in healthy fats but also pack a good magnesium punch.
Foods Containing High Magnesium Levels

The Importance of Magnesium Supplementation

While it may seem like there are a lot of accessible foods with magnesium, the truth is, our soils are so depleted of nutrients that often we cannot get enough even if we eat healthy and clean. Magnesium deficiency is a serious global health issue in the modern world, and since magnesium is utilized so heavily by the body, magnesium deficiency is linked to a broad spectrum of long-term health issues.

Stress, certain medications, and alcohol consumption can also deplete magnesium levels faster than we can replenish them through diet alone.

Supplementing with magnesium has been shown to improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhance overall well-being. Furthermore, for individuals at risk of or currently experiencing magnesium deficiency, supplements can help restore levels to support the body’s critical functions effectively.

How Much Magnesium Should You Take Per Day?

The recommended daily intake for magnesium is 300-320mg in women and 400-420mg in men, but this may vary depending on your needs.

Instead of having the entire RDI in each capsule, like the majority of magnesium supplements do, each of our magnesium capsules contains 106mg of bioavaliable magnesium glycinate and taurate, which allows you greater control over your magnesium intake.

You can increase or decrease your dosage to the degree that you desire, and can spread out your magnesium intake throughout the day if you wish. Pick yours up today to begin tailoring your magnesium supplementation.



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2nd time buying the magnesium I love it. Would you be able to tell me where it is sourced please? I know Dead Sea is a great source

John Broccolo

I’ve been enjoying your guys magnesium quite a bit. The full serving is a little too strong so I only take half a serving but it’s done wonders for my sleep.


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